Malnutrition Facts
Nearly 44% children are stunted
Almost 40% are underweight.
15% are wasted,
50% are anemic,
58% of households in Pakistan are food insecure.
The contributing factors in childhood malnutrition in Pakistan are low birth weight, inadequate breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding, inappropriate complementary feeding, maternal education, lack of proper knowledge of nutrition, micronutrient intake, parity, birth spacing, household socioeconomic status, food insecurity, poor sanitation, vaccination, and infectious diseases. Pakistan is among the countries in the world with the highest rates of child malnutrition, and its progress in child nutrition and health remains slower than in other South Asian countries.
The goal is to have a well-nourished nation with sound human resource that effectively contributes to the National Development and Prosperity.
Strategic Objectives
Prevention and treatment of malnutrition among under five children, improved nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women, children 0-2 years, under-five children, school aged children, people in emergency situation and other vulnerable groups (food insecure and slum dwellers).
Strengthen capacity of institutions, communities and individuals for effective planning, delivery and monitoring of nutrition interventions & develop sustainable food production and data collection mechanism to monitor the success of the program
Where Are We Today
Pakistan ranked 150 out of 189 on the Human Development Index and as a conscious Pakistani American & as Fellow Human Beings we can’t afford to wait to addresses issues of poverty and hunger.
Why Now
Alignment in United Nations SDGs as a National Development Plan of Pakistan. In March 2018 the National Economic Council endorsed the SDG National Framework that lists provisional goals and targets.
Current Government after the recent elections and the civil society is very ripe to make the right type of intervention for eradicating Hunger by 2030.
Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Imran Khan is highlighting the state of Child Malnutrition in Pakistan and creating awareness in the masses.